Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Novels and Characters

Sometimes, there are characters that take over your writing. They were intended to be side characters that appear once and then exit stage left, never to be seen again.

Like people from life, there are those characters who decide they're sticking around no matter what you try to do to them. I have a character in my current novel - a detective named Theodore Wallace - who was supposed to be so insignifgant that he never truly had a first name.

Like I said, sometimes characters decide they just need to stick around: for either the case of love, of hate, or perhaps they just have a bigger part to play. "Wallace" is now working the kidnapping case as the first detective assigned - he made me realize that there was a whole other story before the novel begins to take place.

Does anybody else have a character like that? Ones who take over?


  1. Oh yes! Jaron is my spotlight stealing character. He is fascinating and I'm starting to think he needs his own book.

  2. There are definitely some of those characters in mine as well who demand their own book. My FBI agent, Rowan, seems to be asking for one as well. What genre do you write?

  3. I have a couple of characters in novels like that. There's Gina in one, Emilia in another and an Emily in another. They just keep doing things that mean a whole back story that would be a great book of their own!
